How To Get Rid Of Acne / Pimples

Friends, our skin is very special to us. Because our confidants are hidden on our face. But nowadays Pollution has become so bad that it directly affects our skin And the biggest problem is the Acne Pimples. Most of the people are suffering from this problem.

Cause of pimples the beauty goes away. Once in a while, the pimples go away but stains are left. 

 It is very difficult to get rid of that stain and for this, we use a lot of products. Sometimes works and sometimes does not. We are afraid to go in front of everyone with a stained face. That is why today, I will give you some information so that you will get rid of your problem.

 There are many reasons for having pimples 1.By not washing the face properly 2. Eating more spicy fried foods 3. Not to remove makeup properly 4.Waking up overnight 5. Without any tests, we started to use beauty products. 6. Not Drink Enough water 7. Not eat green vegetables and fruits 8. We do not use sunscreen before going out. 9. Take more stress 10. Not follow proper diet and activities.

 Today, I will tell you something which will help you get rid of this problem. 

First of all I will tell you about home remedies.

 1. Make a face pack by mixing a little turmeric and cinnamon powder and honey into a paste of neem leaves. Leave it for 15 mins then you wash it with normal water. Both ingredients are very powerful. 

 2. Take tsp of lemon juice, add 1/2 tsp honey and 1 tsp rose water mix it well, then apply on your face, and wash it after 15 minutes. lemon has a source of vit c and honey has antibacterial properties so we can get rid of pimples.

3. Take 1 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder. then mix it well and apply on your pimples area only. leave it for 15 mins .then wash it.honey and cinnamon both are an excellent source of antioxidants & both have Antibacterial properties & also have the ability to fight against bacteria and solve our acne problem.

4. Take one tsp aloe vera gel and Rosewater and apply on your face and moisturize your skin properly. aloe vera gel contains salicylic acid and sulfur which is very effective for your skin.

5. Take 1 tsp apple cider vinegar and 4 tsp water and apply on your face with cotton balls. apple cider vinegar contains several organic acids which is very good for reducing acne problems.

I will tell you some medicine which is good for pimples, but you should do a check before use it.

1.Benzoyl peroxide - You will get this in a medicine  shop

2. Clindamycin & Nicotinamide Gel - You will get this in a medicine shop

3. Himalaya acne pimples cream -  Click Here 

4. Neutrogena on the spot acne cream - Click Here

5. Tea tree oil - Click Here

6. Vitamin c serum -  Click Here

7.RE' EQUIL Acne Clarifying Gel for Active Acne Pimple TreatmentClick Here

Now I will suggest some of the products which is you can use in your daily life.

 1. Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Facial Moisturizer - Click Here

2. Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion - Click Here

3.  Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturize - Click Here

4. Mamaearth Oil-Free Face Moisturizer for Acne-Prone Skin - Click Here

5.    Mamaearth Tea Tree Natural Face Wash for Acne & Pimples -  Click Here

6.   Neutrogena Oil-Free facewash for acne -  Click Here

7.   Mamaearth Skin Correct Face Serum with Niacinamide and Ginger Extract for Acne Marks & Scars -  Click Here

8.  Mamaearth  Skin Illuminate Face Serum for Radiant Skin with Vitamin C & Turmeric - Click Here

9.   Biotique Bio Myristica Spot Correcting Anti-Acne Face Pack -  Click Here

10.  Breylee Tea Tree Acne Treatment Serum  -  Click Here



 And one thing is very important friends, do check everything before using any products so that you don't have to face any problem later.






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