Permanent Hair Straightening / Smoothening Treatment Is Good or Not


Who does not like to look beautiful and if the hair is thick with long straight hair then it is even attractive than others. Someone has straight hair from birth and someone has curly, some have hair fall issue, some have suffered with freeze hair. But due to fashion trends, everyone wants to change their look. There are 2 types of hair straightening. One is Permanent hair straightening and the other is Temporary hair straightening. Temporary hair straightening only lasts 2 to 3 days. While permanent hair styling lasts for at least one year. Hair straightening also called hair rebonding.

What is hair smoothing?

Hair smoothening keeps your hair natural and silky and smooth. you can also handle hair easily. your hair will be frizziness  & dullness.
 First, the formaldehyde solution is applied to your hair then drying your hair, the hair is locked in a straight position with a flat iron.
smoothing is much better than hair straightening coz during this treatment smoothing need low heat than straightening. Their smoothness of hair also depends on how frequently you wash your hair. This treatment remains on your hair for 6 to 8 months properly. If your hair is wavy, then this treatment is for you but if your hair is too thick, or curly, then this treatment is not for you.

What is hair straightening?

Hair straightening is also similar to smoothing. but a few different it has. It is most commonly used by people who have curly and frizzy hair.
If your hair is too curly or thick, then this treatment is for you.your hair gets a natural look in smoothing but straightening looks like slightly artificial. Also, it uses more chemical than smoothing.
The bond is then restructured using heat and chemicals. Its effect lasts for about 5-6 months until your hair grows.

What is different between hair straightening and hair smoothening

These techniques are best for girls who have little straight hair or wavy hair.  In this technique, first, Hair smoothing is a chemical process in which hair is saturated with a formaldehyde solution. After saturation, they are straightened and dried with heating iron.

The chemicals used in this cause less harm to your hair and it maintains the natural look of your hair. If you have very thick and curly hair then this treatment is not good for you. Its effect lasts for 6 to 8 months.

If your hair is very curly, then you can choose hair straightening treatment. The difference between hair straightening and smoothening is that smoothening looks like natural than straightening because a lot of strong chemicals are used for straightening that is why it looks like artificial.

Side Effects

1. Dryness / Frizziness  

The most common disadvantage of straightening is the problem of dry hair, which leads to hair loss. The heat and chemicals of straightening removes the natural oils of the hair and also reduces the flexibility of the hair. This causes hair to become dry and frizzy. In such a situation, it also difficult to handle. 

2.Hair fall / Hair breakage problem

Straightening/smoothening causes hair to become dry and dry hair easily breaks and falls. At the same time, the use of chemical and heating equipment causes hair loss. For this treatment, we have face this serious problem of hair loss. If the hair follicles are very weak, then your hair will start falling very badly.

3. Scalp itching problem / Dandruff

Straightening also affects your scalp. Due to this, there is a problem of itching in the head.  After using the chemicals during the Straightening or smoothing, we see the problem of itching on our scalp. Not only for hair, but it also has its effect on other parts of the body and also suffer from dandruff problems. Dandruff is, undoubtedly, one of the worst hair problems to have

4.Greasiness / Discoloration

Hair discoloration is a serious side effect after this treatment. Using strong chemical-based products we suffer from discoloration problems. we lost our natural hair color and hair become greasiness. then we do artificial hair color which is not good for hair. In the future, we face lots of problems.


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