
How To Control High Blood Pressure

●What Is High Blood Pressure? High blood pressure is also called hypertension, which refers to a condition in which blood flow in the arteries of the heart is greatly accelerated. However, this problem can be cured, but if it is not treated for a long time, it can lead to some heart-related diseases like heart attack and death of a person. It was once believed that high blood pressure is only a disease of old age, but now the situation is changing rapidly. Even a 30-year-old man can be heard saying today that he has blood pressure ie his blood pressure is higher than normal. Normally, there is no symptom of high blood pressure and the person does not know about it for a long time, but later many symptoms start to come up like headache, dizziness, dysfunction, difficulty in breathing, sleepiness, just a little. Shortness of breath, hard nose bleeding, etc. It is also called hypertension. Due to this, coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure can be fatal. This di

Permanent Hair Straightening / Smoothening Treatment Is Good or Not

  Who does not like to look beautiful and if the hair is thick with long straight hair then it is even attractive than others. Someone has straight hair from birth and someone has curly, some have hair fall issue, some have suffered with freeze hair. But due to fashion trends, everyone wants to change their look. There are 2 types of hair straightening. One is Permanent hair straightening and the other is Temporary hair straightening. Temporary hair straightening only lasts 2 to 3 days. While permanent hair styling lasts for at least one year. Hair straightening also called hair rebonding. What is hair smoothing? Hair smoothening keeps your hair natural and silky and smooth. you can also handle hair easily. your hair will be frizziness  & dullness.  First, the formaldehyde solution is applied to your hair then drying your hair, the hair is locked in a straight position with a flat iron. smoothing is much better than hair straightening coz during this treatment smoothing need low he

Which Food Is Best For Uric Acid And How To Cure

The breakdown of purine in the human body produces uric acid. It reaches the kidney with the help of blood. By the way, uric acid comes out of the body in the form of urine. But, sometimes it remains in the body and its quantity starts increasing. uric acid treatment In such a situation, this acid causes problems for the body. Uric acid is formed due to the breakdown of purine in the body. Purine is found in food items. Through food, it reaches the body and then through blood to the kidney. Normally it gets out of the body through urine. Excess of uric acid can also cause diseases like heart disease, hypertension, kidney stone, and arthritis. What are the symptoms of uric acid uric acid symptoms, In addition to feeling pain in the feet, joint pain, pain in the ankles, it may also cause swelling in the lumps.  Increased obesity also causes uric acid to rise.  what is uric acid and how to control it? Apart from this,  when uric acid increases, there is stinging pain in the fingers of the

How To Remove Darkspot From Underarms

Due to the blackness of underarm, we are not able to wear many of our favorite dresses. This problem is such that you are too ashamed to lift your arm. Many women remain troubled by this problem. We have to take care of our bodies more when there is dark underarm.  Apart from this, we also have to give up the idea of ​​wearing sleeveless clothes. Then no matter how hot the weather is. Actually, the blackness in the underarm, the smell of sweat coming from it can make you embarrassed even in the crowd. It is better to adopt home remedies than using any chemical product to remove the blackness of the underarm. Some reason of black underarms 1. Because of hair removal cream and its full of chemical components which make your underarms black. 2. Sometimes due to using very hot wax, your underarms become dark. 3. Many times the reason for using a razor to remove underarm hair. 4. Because of wearing too tight clothes. 5. This problem is also due to hormonal changes. 6. If the underarms are n

Which Food Is Best And Which Is Worst For Diabetes Patient

Today, diabetes is very common. The number of diabetic patients in India is increasing every day. Diabetes has a high blood sugar level over a long period of time. Due to high blood sugar levels, there is a problem of frequent urination, thirst, and loss of appetite. A person's pancreas does not produce enough insulin to cause diabetes. The cause of diabetes mellitus is the secretion of a hormone called insulin. These are insulin hormones, which regulate the amount of sugar in the body. If this condition persists for a long time, the patient is at risk of many diseases. The most important thing for diabetes patients is to maintain blood sugar levels. In such a situation, it is important that the person who has diabetes, make his diet chart and follow it regularly. You don't have to give up all your favorite food items in diabetes. Wondering what happened? Do Not worry You can eat everything in diabetes provided the right amount and balance of food is taken care of. Today I will