Permanent Hair Straightening / Smoothening Treatment Is Good or Not

Who does not like to look beautiful and if the hair is thick with long straight hair then it is even attractive than others. Someone has straight hair from birth and someone has curly, some have hair fall issue, some have suffered with freeze hair. But due to fashion trends, everyone wants to change their look. There are 2 types of hair straightening. One is Permanent hair straightening and the other is Temporary hair straightening. Temporary hair straightening only lasts 2 to 3 days. While permanent hair styling lasts for at least one year. Hair straightening also called hair rebonding. What is hair smoothing? Hair smoothening keeps your hair natural and silky and smooth. you can also handle hair easily. your hair will be frizziness & dullness. First, the formaldehyde solution is applied to your hair then drying your hair, the hair is locked in a straight position with a flat iron. smoothing is much better than hair straightening coz during this treatment sm...