Yoga To Reduce Belly Fat In a Week / Power Yoga For Belly Fat

This is why it's so hard to lose belly fat

Most people are upset nowadays due to the accumulation of fat on the stomach. When you try to reduce obesity, you can see the difference in your body to some extent due to exercise and diet. But despite doing everything, some parts of the body do not reduce the fat. Ever thought why? 

 yes, Its big reason is your lifestyle. Increasing belly fat has become a major problem for many people due to the changing lifestyle. People do many such activities due to which the fat of the stomach starts increasing rapidly. We are uncomfortable wearing any dress, feel embarrassed in front of people & We feel lack our confidence also. We are facing lots of problems. People want to reduce their belly fat but it is not possible due to its wrong lifestyle. If abdominal fat persists for a long time, it increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease,  stroke, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. But there is no need to worry, if this tummy fat is reduced at the right time, then the risk of these diseases can be avoided.

 There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, today  I'll tell you the fact to increase belly fay also give you 5 topmost ideas of yoga postures which can help you to reduce your belly fat fast.


*Reasons of belly fat 


1. Eat more

 Genes that may lead to obesity identified-281949

There are also some people, who eat something upside-down all day long. Sometimes eat more under pressure or stress. They sit and work in one place. It is obvious that this habit will increase fat around your waist and abdomen.


2. Stay stressed

Almost half of IT employees feel stressed out - Personnel Today

 In a busy lifestyle, anyone gets stressed. But it is not good to be so long. Stress causes many serious diseases, as well as belly fat, also increases. When you are under stress, the level of cortisol in the blood increases. Cortisol increases fat levels in the body, making fat cells larger. In this condition, fat usually grows around the stomach.


3. Take Unhealthy  food in Diet

 50 unhealthy foods that are harmful to the body - Doers Empire

If you include high sugar foods such as fried oily junk food, candy, cake, and sugar drinks in your daily diet then it will be a big problem to weight gain. The body gets a lot of calories, which gradually starts to change into fat.


4. Drinking alcohol

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Drinking alcohol not only increases the risk of diseases like heart disease and liver disease, but regular drinking also increases tummy fat. We have already told you what are the disadvantages of increasing tummy fat. People who drink a lot of alcohol every day and then take a heavy diet, their fat starts increasing rapidly. It has the most effect on tummy and tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.


5. weakness of Digestive system 

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Even if someone's digestive system is weak, Food does not digest properly then his stomach looks fat, and fat starts accumulating on his stomach. Due to the weakening of the digestive system, many diseases surround the body like thyroid, diabetes, etc.

*5 Yoga Postures to reduce belly fat



 Back on the mend

Bhujangasana reduces abdominal fat. At the same time, the muscles of the arms, waist, and abdomen are strengthened and the body becomes flexible. For this, first, lie flat on the stomach and keep both hands under the forehead. Keep the toes of both feet together. Now raise the forehead in front and keep both arms parallel to the shoulders so that the weight of the body falls on the arms. Lift the body part with the help of arms. Stretch the body and take a long breath. After staying in this position for a few seconds, lie back on your stomach.



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While doing this, the stomach is stressed. Wind means wind and liberation means coming out. By doing this, the collected air in the stomach comes out. You lie flat on your back on the yoga mat. Hands should be adjacent to the body. First, take a long deep breath, bend the right leg, and try to hold it with both hands center in your chest.

Then exhale, raise the head and try to touch the nose with the knee.

Remain in this state for a few seconds and then exhale and bring the feet and head to the ground.

Similarly, do it with the left leg and then do it with both feet simultaneously.




 Step By Step Bow Yoga Pose (Dhanurasana) Instruction — Steemit

Lie on the abdomen, keep the distance between the buttocks in the legs, and keep both hands directly on both sides of the body.

Bend the knees near the waist and hold the knee with your hands.

Inhaling raise the chest above the ground and pull the legs towards the waist.

Look in front with a smile on your face.

Keeping your breath, stay in the posture, now your body is like a bow.

Taking long deep breaths, relax in the posture.

Take care, do asanas according to your capacity, do not tighten the body excessively.

After 15-20 seconds, while exhaling, slowly bring the feet and chest back to the ground.



 Ustrasana Camel Pose - Yogapedia - The Howler Magazine

This asana helps to make the stomach flat. For this, sit in Vajrasana. Then stand on your knees. Keep the area from knees to waist straight and bend the back towards the back and grab the ankles of the feet with hands. Now tilt the head back. Breathing is normal, vision is on the ground and meditation is in the Vishuddhakhya Chakra (throat). Wait 10-15 seconds in this state. While leaving the posture, sit carefully in Vajrasana and straighten your head while removing it from the ankles of the hands. Do this 2-3 times. You can do this asana for 1 to 3 minutes.



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 Lie down at the waist and keep your hands with the body. Now slowly raise your feet and bring it up to a 90-degree angle.

Now while exhaling, raise the back as well as the legs and try to touch the thumb with the ground while moving the legs back. This currency is similar to plow in the field. Stay in this posture for as long as possible and then slowly return to normal state and rest. You can do this three to four times.



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