5 Effective Detox Water To Lose Weight
* Detox drink
Detox water is a water that removes excess fat, dirt in your body. By drinking this, the toxin released in your body is released through urine. And keeps your body fit and healthy. Along with that it also cleans your digestive system.
With daily intake of detox water, our skin glows even more and becomes beautiful. There is a distinct glow in the skin. 

If you are troubled by the increasing weight, then you should drink detox water. And it will be more beneficial if you consume detox water along with exercise every day.
In daily life, we eat a lot of oily, spicy outside food. Due to which our body causes a lot of damage. Then go on weight gain, skin pimples, rashes problem, constipation problem, digestive problem. We have to face many such problems.
But you do not have to worry right now, friends.
There is only one solution to all these problems. That is detox water.
Detox water should be made from all fruits and vegetables that have low-calorie intake. And there should be a potion of vitamin C, A, E in plenty.
Today I will tell you about the top 5 detox water and how and when to drink it.
1 - Lukewarm Water, Honey, Lemon
Process - First take a glass of hot water.
Add half a teaspoon of honey and 1 lemon juice to it and consume it.
When should drink: - Get up in the morning and consume it on an empty stomach. If you eat after a workout then you will get a very good result.
Result - drinking it will remove all the toxins from your body and will help in reducing obesity. Pimple on skin, acne problem will also be overcome.
2- Basil, Ginger, Honey
Process - Boil a glass of water for 10 minutes along with chopped ginger and 5 to 6 basil leaves.
After that, mix 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it.
When to drink: - You can drink it anytime. At the Replace of Tea.
Result - drinking it will strengthen your immunity. And you will also get relief from cough and cold.
3- Lemon, Ginger, Mint
Process - Cut lemon, mint, Ginger in big acro, and keep it overnight into a jug of water. The next day filter it and consume it.
When to drink - You can drink it anytime. You Have to take 3 to 4 times a day. You can drink this water instead of plain water.
The result - drinking it reduces fat from your body. All fats and dirts are released through urine. And your weight remains in control.
4- Amla, Black Paper Powder
Process - Boil well in a cup of water and take it. After that, mix 1 teaspoon black paper powder in it and drink it.
When to drink - It should be drinking on an empty stomach in the morning.
The result - drinking it will strengthen your immunity. And dirt will also come out of your body. Your body will detox. It is very beneficial for the body as well as your hair.
5- Mint, Lemon, Honey, Ginger
Process - Take a glass of water, add half a teaspoon of chopped Ginger in it and boil it well. After that, mix 1 teaspoon of mint paste, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and drink it.
When to drink - You can drink it any time of the day.
Result - drinking it keeps your digestive system very good. Provides relief in acidity. And detox your body as well.
*Along with detox water, exercising is also very important. Then go, your Detox water will work twice as fast.
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